Personal Account Trading

Discretionary multi-asset medium to low frequency allocation of capital based on fundamental and quantitative analysis with a focus on mispriced asymmetric upside opportunities.


Single stocks should have positive earnings trajectory and be net profitable. PE ratio should not be abnormally high to comparables without a specific driver. Core business should possess uncapped upside (e.g. not simple rent-collection).

Indices are assessed as macro instruments, used to express view on country and economy fundamentals or persistent flows based on broader sentiment. This type of trade should aim to be beta neutral.

Any other alternative data is also assessed during the research process as well as throughout the holding period.

The assessment of fundamentals should be the primary source of alpha.

Used to provide a broad characterization of the behavior of the instrument based on momentum vs. reversion, drawdowns, realized volatility and other price or fundamentals distribution statistics. Can also be used alongside long-term charts to aid in the determination of price levels of interest but should generally not be used to make predictions or as a trade signal directly.

Proprietary multi-purpose Python-based suite with functionality including: